Abaca takes frustration out of raising capital by providing you with a common language to communicate with investors, a picture of where your company stands now, and a roadmap for where to go next. Learn more.
More efficiently sift and sort ventures that fit your thesis best, including those you wouldn’t otherwise find through your usual network. Take the short assessment and pinpoint your specific selection criteria. Abaca’s matching algorithm uses your preferences to produce high-quality matches, and you can ask incoming leads to take the Abaca assessment to save both you and the founders valuable time. Learn More.
Provide your entrepreneurs a modern each-student-is-unique approach to entrepreneurial support. With Abaca, you gain a precise understanding of the needs and challenges of each venture you work with, enabling you to precision target your support and multiply your effectiveness. Learn More.
Abaca benchmarks the strengths and weaknesses of your ecosystem’s entrepreneurs and leverages its data to aggregate the strengths and weaknesses of your network as a whole. Armed with this information, ecosystems can target the challenges their entrepreneurs face and prioritize and refine new and existing programs to address those needs. Learn More.
Have more productive conversations with investors, mentors and your team by saving and updating your Level as part of a profile. Share your profile and learn a common language for talking about your progress and identifying milestones critical to growth.