Yarmouth, Maine, United States
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Chimani is Google Maps for places Google Maps doesn't cover, such as national and state parks.
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travel and tourism
travel and tourism
How is your business helping to solve the health, social, or economic challenges created by COVID19?
Chimani is providing critical information on the openings and closings of national and state parks in order to help balance the need for outdoor exercise while not increasing virus exposure due to overcrowding.
Does your business contribute most to recovery, response, or resilience?
Response - we're responding directly to issues caused or exacerbated by the COVID-19 outbreak.
What is the stage of your product development?
I have a market ready product/service. I have sold to customers.
What strengths does your team bring? Include skills and personal experience with the problem.
Our founder, Kerry Gallivan, has been working within this field for the last ten years and in 2017 was named by Outside Magazine as one of only six "future pioneers" for the next century of our national parks for disrupting the travel guide experience.
What countries do you operate in?
The United States
Is your company headquartered in a US "Opportunity Zone"?

What is an opportunity zone?