Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
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doctHERs uses a digital health platform to match the under-utilised capacity of female doctors (who work from home) to the unmet needs of health-seekers
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personal health
personal health
How is your business helping to solve the health, social, or economic challenges created by COVID19?
We are designing, building and launching a B2C mobile app on COVID-19 that will give consumers access to: (i) critical information about safety/preventive measures at the individual, family and community level. In parallel, to augment the impact of the mobile app, we are training, equipping (with Primary Preventive Equipment (PPE), tablets and 4G connectivity) and deploying 250 female frontline health workers (FHWs) to combat the current COVID-19 pandemic across 250 villages in Punjab, Sind and KPK (Pakistan), directly impacting a minimum of 250,000 lives (PKR 100 per life impacted).These frontline health workers will educate underserved, semi-literate communities (average size: 250 households) via door-2-door mobilisation (while maintaining social distance) on safety/preventive measures to be taken and provide communities with access to COVID-19 Care Kits (masks, sanitiser, gloves, educational material in local language). These frontline workers will use telemedicine to connect villagers with unmet healthcare needs (mental health, reproductive health, etc.) to our gender-inclusive, global network of 1700+ licensed female doctors, pharmacists, psychologists).
Does your business contribute most to recovery, response, or resilience?
Recovery - we're positioned to support in the recovery of those directly affected.,Response - we're responding directly to issues caused or exacerbated by the COVID-19 outbreak.
What is the stage of your product development?
I have a market ready product/service. I have sold to customers.
What strengths does your team bring? Include skills and personal experience with the problem.
The core team is composed of 4 doctors, 2 nurses, 3 MBAs, a design thinker and a techie. Importantly, several team members have been serving/volunteering on the frontlines of the current COVID-19 pandemic and so have direct, personal experience of the challenges that communities are facing in dealing with CoronaVirus.
What countries do you operate in?
Pakistan (will be entering Bangladesh in July 2020). Have offices in the US and UK.
Is your company headquartered in a US "Opportunity Zone"?

What is an opportunity zone?