Priority Asset Management Exchange (PAMEE)
Rocky River, Ohio, United States
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PAMEE is a technology company that launched an online repository for municipalities to manage existing and new vendors, create public purchase requests and make private purchase requests for life-saving equipment during times of crisis.
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personal health
How is your business helping to solve the health, social, or economic challenges created by COVID19?
We created a free method of finding supplies of life-saving equipment for municipalities in an extremely fragmented market. We are helping this equipment get into the hands that need it most more quickly.
Does your business contribute most to recovery, response, or resilience?
Resilience - we're improving the broader infrastructure for responding to pandemic outbreaks.,Recovery - we're positioned to support in the recovery of those directly affected.,Response - we're responding directly to issues caused or exacerbated by the COVID-19 outbreak.
What is the stage of your product development?
I have a market ready product/service. I have sold to customers.
What strengths does your team bring? Include skills and personal experience with the problem.
This technology already existed for the oil and gas industry. We have been operating in this market for 10 years, and bring experienced staff along with it. We have already shown this free service to FEMA. They loved it, and we are now working together to make municipalities aware of it. Several states are already using it to manage their demand for life-saving equipment for this crisis. Furthermore, PAMEE is here to serve governments in every disaster relief situation, not just for COVID-19
What countries do you operate in?
The United States
Is your company headquartered in a US "Opportunity Zone"?

What is an opportunity zone?