Southwind Gynecology and Wellness Center
Memphis, Tennessee, United States
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Southwind Gynecology is a medical practice located in the center of Memphis Tennessee serving an underserved population.
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personal health
How is your business helping to solve the health, social, or economic challenges created by COVID19?
Our practice has been closed due to the quarantine for regular office visits however we are on the front lines testing our citizens of the greater Memphis area. Our doctor is certified for contact tracing through Harvard Medical School. To date we are still testing from our office. Once patient is tested with a positive test we follow up with medical care.
Does your business contribute most to recovery, response, or resilience?
Resilience - we're improving the broader infrastructure for responding to pandemic outbreaks.,Recovery - we're positioned to support in the recovery of those directly affected.,Response - we're responding directly to issues caused or exacerbated by the COVID-19 outbreak.
What is the stage of your product development?
I have a market ready product/service. I have sold to customers.
What strengths does your team bring? Include skills and personal experience with the problem.
Our medical office is a beautiful vibrant office situated not far from the home of Elvis Presley. We offer our patients high quality medical service regardless of being insured or uninsured. Dr. Hodges believe that the care of his patients is priority in the life of an underserved community.
What countries do you operate in?
United States
Is your company headquartered in a US "Opportunity Zone"?

What is an opportunity zone?