Kampala, Central Region, Uganda
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Vouch Digital is championing the development of digital platforms particularly focusing on digital and mobile payments for cash-based programs by building systems that enforce transparency, traceability and accountability in the distribution of life-changing goods and items to last-mile users.
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information technology
How is your business helping to solve the health, social, or economic challenges created by COVID19?
By developing a digital platform that helps deliver digital entitlements to end-users or program participants using simple technologies. We replace the transfer of physical cash with digital vouchers and digital identity cards that enable program recipients to redeem entitlements or vouchers from select merchants or vendors. Our system promotes traceability, transparency and accountability in all the transactions and activities.Many businesses and people have been affected by the COVID epidemic. Countless number of people who used to earn a living daily to be able to eat, have been stopped from working. Employees cant get to work because of the lockdown causing many to starve. People/organisations/governments are trying to find trusted ways to distribute food/items to the right vulnerable beneficiaries.Vouch platform has the ability to help deliver these entitlements to enable the people's lives to continue in this tough time.Our Government is also distributing food to the vulnerable Ugandans, an opportunity which Vouch Digital has been trying to secure. Since many of the Government opportunities involve alot of politics, it may be hard to get them but we continue to try.
Does your business contribute most to recovery, response, or resilience?
Recovery - we're positioned to support in the recovery of those directly affected.
What is the stage of your product development?
I have a market ready product/service. I have sold to customers.
What strengths does your team bring? Include skills and personal experience with the problem.
Founder /CEO - Heads the strategic positioning of the company as well as leading the fundraising efforts for Vouch.Chief Technology Officer - Heads our technology development component, including researching new trends and implementing new market features for the VOUCH platform.Clients Relations Manager- Leads the Clients component of the company including managing the relationship between clients / partners, beneficiaries and merchants.Finance Manager- Manages the company’s finance component, including compliance related issues and filing returns.Developers: Working with the CTO on the development of the Vouch product/platformThe government was championing the distribution of mosquito nets to all Ugandans addresing the issue of Malaria spread. However, some people got and other didnt get and yet the officers seemed to have withheld a large number of the items.I have relatives who didnt get. If our system had been used intergrated with the national database, every individual would be accounted for.The country is on lockdown and the government promised to give some food stuffs to vulnerable and people whose businesses have closed yet provided daily bread. My retired dad and mum who business has been closed are legible but havenot yet received their share like many others.If we used the Vouch System, there would be accountability, Transparency and traceability in all these distributions.
What countries do you operate in?
Currently Uganda but with opportunities to open up in different countries after the lockdown is lifted.
Is your company headquartered in a US "Opportunity Zone"?

What is an opportunity zone?